To Dinawan Island

Eeeyyyy..finally got the time to update my rusting blog (kalu rumah ni rubuh suda oOoOo..patah mematah da tu tiang, jgn mare kawang2.. lambat update) Ok! Enuff wit words & texts..this will be more to photo sharing at Dinawan Island last weekend Jun 28. We supposed to depart from Sutera Habour Jetty at 9am but instead delayed to 11am coz of unexpected situation -refer tayar, ada tu kawan macam mo jadi lion king suda, trus kana blanja breakfast sana Double Six food court..hihi..tQ la for the breakfast...kebetulan sa inda sempat breakfast. Langkah kanan ni..urang kampong sa cakap ‘Ritee Foot’…uiseeeh’, sopiking ostrolia sda sa.. lol!

The rest tengok gambar2 saja..kulut suda otak sa mo berkata-kata niee..

... briefing by the resort staff on the activity available . . .
. . . terkenang semasa duluuu, waktu jipun printah tanah melayu. . .
... kiloy, ps, nell, ilut, me & markie . . .
. . . happy island girls . . .Finding nemo . . .

1 scratch thoughts:

sholas said...
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