You don't have to be certified to be a snorkeler. The reason for this is you only have a mask, snorkel, and fins. But let me inform you of some very important facts. You still have the same responsibilities to yourself and your diving partner, that a certified scuba diver has. Mental awareness and physical fitness are the most important attributes concerning this sport.
If your a good swimmer and swim daily or weekly, your legs are probably in pretty good shape. Although when you equip yourself with the snorkeling gear you need, you might find your legs are not in as good of shape as you thought. The first time you put on a pair of fins and swim long enough to learn to use them, you will experience next day soreness and possibly cramps. Too avoid this pain in the future, here are some simple leg exercises you might want to try.
Squats: Holding on to something, like a countertop for balance. Standing upright with legs spread shoulder length apart, bend down slowly, but not all the way. Return to starting position. You will get more effect with this exercise if you do not lock out your knees at the standing position. This puts more strain on the leg muscles, and that's what we want. As you are executing these movements, breath deeply in and out several times during the repetition to expand the lungs, this is called oxygen loading. This will help with the snorkeling part. And don't smoke.
At a standing position put your right foot out in front of you about three (3) feet.
Arms on your hips, keep your left leg straight and bend your right knee, and lower your body toward the floor. Return to the starting position and then lead with your left foot. These two exercises puts emphasis on the quadriceps, buttocks, lower back and secondary stress on the hamstrings, upper back and abdominal muscles. Do these movements for 2 sets at 10 to 15 repetitions using nothing but your body weight. This will tone your muscles for strength and agility.
Calf Raises: This exercise puts emphasis on the calf muscles and secondary stress on your ankles and foot muscles. The exercise works OK standing flat on the floor, but better if you have something to stand on, like a 2 by 4 a couple of feet long. If standing on a 2 By 4, position your feet shoulder length apart and let your arch and heel hang off the edge, and lower your heel down as far as you can to touch the floor, raising up all the way as far as you can. While doing this movement, tighten your calf muscles as much as possible throughout the exercise. Now next take a seat in a chair and position your feet on the 2 by 4 the same as the standing calf raise. Raise and lower your heel. Doing 2 sets and 10 to 15 reps. These three exercises will strengthen your legs for working your fins.
Once you have your gear, you'll want to practice in a pool if one is available, if not, go to a lake and practice just off shore till you get the hang of it. Getting used to the snorkel is important while in shallow water. Breathing is more difficult with a mask on, and having a mouthpiece in your mouth. Practice this until you become comfortable, before going to deep water. Then if you have a boat, you can practice your dive. One dive I like is the feet first dive. Holding your mask tight against your face, jump into the water, try to remain vertical, raise your arms above your head sweeping them upward to push yourself lower. To rotate your body to a horizontal position, pull your knees to your chest, lower your head, and this will put you in a swimming position.
If you experience water in your mask, clearing is simple. If your above the surface, simply pull forward on the front of your mask and lifting up, this will let any water drain out the bottom. Some masks have a built in purge valve making it simple to clear your mask if underwater. The valve lets water out but not in. To clear a mask when underwater, blow out your nose while the mask is on.
Try the exercises and the few tips I offered on snorkeling, and you will be fine. Just remember to always have a buddy with you in case of problems, use good judgement and exercise safety above all.
I hope some of the subjects I've covered will shed some light on your quest to become the best snorkel diver you can be. It's never to late to pursue the beautiful art of snorkeling. It's for the young and old. Just make sure you have the physical requirements and the ability to make sound judgement, and always take a buddy with you to dive. For your equipment needs, advice. tips and information on this great hobbie, visit
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